I can say I was lucky as a young lady, getting a monthly visit from “Aunt Flo” was uneventful.  Unlike a few of my friends, that would miss school or would have to leave school to avoid an embarrassing situation.  My generation never really talked about it.  It was just something that happened, you dealt with it and moved on.

My Problems started shortly after the birth of my daughter, there were days that I couldn’t go anywhere for fear of the dreaded accident, taking medication just to cope with the cramping and pain.  Always wondering how the next month was going to be and counting down the days for the week of sheer torcher.  
I have never done well with western medications, lots of side effects and reactions.  Found out the hard way that I was allergic to penicillin. (swelling in mouth and throat, I think I was 10 or 11) truly not a good experience, lol.  Even taking the prescribed meds for pain… because at that time I felt I had no other choice,  the problem wasn’t being solved and it was getting worse.
I decided I had to make some changes, lifestyle, food, stresses in my life. I can, however, say that finally I have "Aunt Flo" under control and she no longer controls my life. 

Over the last 5 or so years I have had some awesome people come into my life.   Opening my eyes to exploring how to level up my health, lifestyle so that I don’t have to suffer in silent and just deal with it…. 
It is not normal to be in pain just because you’re a woman.   Growing older should be easy and graceful. 

 We have so much life experience to share with our younger ladies growing up.  I don’t want to be the one to say "enjoy it now while your young because it is all down hill from here."  Good god,  how terrible does that sound? 

We live our lives to have our kids grown, enjoying our grandbabies, having the freedom to really do as we choose.  Having fun, being responsible for just yourself again, lets face it, it is pretty freeing.  
I can not lie; it was and still is a journey, but I feel we all should be our own doctors first and respect the knock that our bodies give us.   Only you know how you feel….


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