Choosing healthy food and products does not have to be expensive or complicated.  Think about it…… Everything we have, whether it is food or products has started from earth…… Plants, trees, scrubs, from the ocean. Questions I ask are why has it been changed? And has the change been for the best? Are these products working synergically with our bodies the way nature has intended?

Skincare can be just as easy. Simple products like coconut oil, castor oil, grapeseed, are all great skin oils.

Did you know that castor oil can help break up bone spurs? Clear cataracts? Help with pain management? And does not have any “side effects” …….

Coconut oil is a lovely moisturizer, you can add essentail oils like frankincense, or lavender for a night cream as a nontoxic choice.

Mixing coconut oil and castor oil together with cedarwood and rosemary oils to help support health scalp and hair.

You don’t have to do it all at once. When you make minor changes here and there,  it can positively  impact your health in big ways  Cleaning with vinegar and baking soda instead of harsh cleaners.

We are the gate keepers of our homes, and it should be free of toxins. We are made to heal naturally given the right environment. In today’s society, our bodies are bombarded with GMO foods, chemicals in products, negative thoughts and feelings, polluted air, EMF’s. How could we be healthy? Just something to think about.

Do your own research, read books, talk to people that actually healed themselves from whatever ails you. And remember your body will always give you nudges when it is not functioning at its best………

Its up to you to listen and decipher the problem.  Your Body is amazing!  Have a great day!

 Organic coconut oil                     Organic Castor Oil  
">GET IT HERE                                    ">GET IT HERE
Here is the link if you want to LEARN MORE about essential oils.                    


   Dry brushing is a way to exfoliate your skin, but that is just one of the benefits…. It stimulates lymph drainage.  Lymph is kind of like the garbage men of your body.  It picks up all the toxic yuck in your body as it travels threw and takes it to your lymph nodes. 
Did you know that there are over 600 in your body?   WOW !  
Most of them are located in your neck armpits and chest area.  
They contain immune cells that help fight infection and protect you from becoming ill……… so question…. Why do we have them taking out when they are inflamed? ie. Tonsillitis, appendicitis, spleen.    We were not made defective; our bodies have wonderful healing properties when giving the right environment.   
Other benefits are circulation of blood.  Blood feeds our cells if there is no blood supply the cells die.   Better circulation helps repair and regenerate new cells.  
Unclogs pores in body to help with the elimination process.   Sweating is a great way to get out the toxic yuck!
I have also sound by dry brushing a reduced appearance in my stretch marks…   Which is just an added win!  Like a lot of other ladies, growing a little human can leave you with a few beautiful reminders of that time. 😊     
Little video of how I use the dry brush.  It only takes about 5 minutes before you get into shower with so many benefits.

Here is a Link to few dry brushes from my amazon account.    Much the same as the one I use.

Todays New Normal is Not Normal

So these days lots of people are dealing with mental and emotional issues.   People that never had any issues before. People that couldn't imagine or even understand what it would be like to be in the mind of someone going threw depression or a mental illness.

I have also been one of those people that didn’t really understand…… What this year has taught me is I am a people person, and that even thou I like myself, don’t mind being alone.   Being isolated for long periods of time is not good for anyone’s mental health.  I am very fortunate that I do have a few really great friends and my family are awesome.  I miss my NB family terribly but since we cant be together right now am taking this time for person growth.  Really puts life and what is really valuable in life…  True friendships, family and your health.

There are hundreds of people that are elderly and cant get out or people that live alone.  These people have little to no human contact.  To me this is so sad, we are social creatures.  Human contact is not a want in life it is a need.  If you know someone in this situation reach out them, see how they are doing, if they need anything to make this crazy time easier for them, make a little extra at meal time an drop it off... it doesn't take much to brighten the day.  

We have to have compassion, not be divided and keep living in fear.  Our bodies were made to heal and deal with things we come in contact with........ if we give it the right nutrition, movement and clean water.

Choose wellness and love yourself enough to feed it healthy foods, move your body for at least 30 mins a day, and drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces..... or as close to it.  :)  

One rule of thumb when it comes to food...... If you can pluck it, grow it, or pick it eat it! lol

Stay well my friends.  Remember you were made to be on earth.  your body is an amazing piece of machinery.    



I have always thought of myself as moderately active and in pretty good shape.

When I was younger, I’ve heard elderly people in my life say “for my age” added to the end of sentences as we age.
So now at 47, slowing down, aches and pains, tired, cant keep up, all good things come to an end sooner or later …  ???? 

WOW! That’s really what I have to look forward to?  Seriously!?   

I must admit that our circumstances in this past year (2020) have made it easy to fall into an unhealthy lifestyle.  Mentally, Physically, and emotionally. 
Shaking off the past year and focusing on selfcare, health inside and out, has brought me to this.  I am not in the shape I thought I was but that’s okay!  Gives me the drive to get to a place where aging gracefully will be fun and easy. 
Getting to the flexibility point, a few months ago I started a home program and realized that my sedentary lifestyle has consequences.  See mentioned above, I’ve become the elderly group.

 Tired, less active, and just no ambition to do anything puts me at higher risk for heart disease, diabetes, injuries and more.   

Being more flexible will help with posture, balance, sleep issues, reduces anxiety, muscle tension and soreness.  Therefore, keeping you younger longer!  {without the latter} 

Things to help with flexibility are such things as simply walking 4-5 times a week for 30 mins will be a great asset.  Burning the extra calories, help control weight and sugar levels.  Trying new healthy foods will also help with inflammation and pain in body.  Also stretching every day.  Here is a start on your flexibility journey!  

Also, remember to make it fun and listen to your body.  Start slow and low, work your way up.  Doing a little is better than nothing at all.   


Looking for help with all things women related, from making babies to dealing with menopause and everything in-between? 

Mood swings, hot flashes, low libido, aging skin...... who wants that?  and what can I do to at least slooooowwwww it down!  

Want to see what I did to slow the aging train down.? 
Read Older Updates